
Scots Blog

The Scots language has a rich tradition, and abounds with marvellous words. This blog will regularly show a different Scots or Gaelic word with its English equivalent. I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Linda Gilmore Sutherland


REEKIN LUM 27/02/2017

by Linda - 01:01 on 27 February 2017


I suspect that many of you will already be familiar with this phrase in the context of Hogmany when it is part of a New Year's wish: 'lang may yer lum reek'!  It conjures up images of people around a cosy open heath with a cheerful fire - a nice thing to wish for someone's new year.

The Scottish painter Edward Arthur Walton included a smoking chimney in one of his charming paintings.  Walton was one of the 'Glasgow Boys' who were an informal group of about 20 painters who came together in the 1880s.

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