
Scots Blog

The Scots language has a rich tradition, and abounds with marvellous words. This blog will regularly show a different Scots or Gaelic word with its English equivalent. I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Linda Gilmore Sutherland


ASHET 09/01/17

by Linda - 01:01 on 09 January 2017


An ashet is a large oval serving dish, especially one used for a large joint of meat.  The origin of the word is French (assiette = a plate), and is just one of a wealth of French words commonly used in Scotland which the reflect the strength of the 'Auld Alliance' which began over 700 years ago in 1295.

In a speech which he delivered in Edinburgh in June 1942, Charles de Gaulle famously described the alliance between Scotland and France as "the oldest alliance in the world". He also declared that:

"In every combat where for five centuries the destiny of France was at stake, there were always men of Scotland to fight side by side with men of France, and what Frenchmen feel is that no people has ever been more generous than yours with its friendship."

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