
Scots Blog

The Scots language has a rich tradition, and abounds with marvellous words. This blog will regularly show a different Scots or Gaelic word with its English equivalent. I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do!

Linda Gilmore Sutherland


NEEP 31/10/2016

by Linda - 01:01 on 31 October 2016


A neep is a staple root vegetable of the Brassica family which is enjoyed both by people and by cattle and sheep. Neeps are variously called swedes, rutabagas or turnips in other parts of the world. When mashed (or more usually, bashed) with salt, pepper and butter, they feature on Burn's Night as an accompaniement to haggis.

They also feature in my favourite bothy balad of The Muckin o' Geordie's Byre (see an earlier entry for 'graip).

And a further use of neeps over the centuries is as lanterns on Halloween to ward off evil spirits!


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